Welcome to the future home of curt.web.aplus.net
To access your account control panel, please visit: http://curt.web.aplus.net/cp
and login using the username and password that you selected when ordering your account.
For technical support information, please visit
Place your HTML pages into the /html directory.
Place your CGIs into the /cgi-bin directory. You can place and run any CGI under /html as well,
but it should end with .cgi or .pl.
To make a subdomain sub.yourdomain.com, just create subdirectories /sub and /sub/html, and place
files related to your subdomain into /sub/html. You can create /sub/cgi-bin and use it as CGI directory.
/www is a symbolic link pointed to your home directory. This makes your web site (yourdomain.com)
accessible also as www.yourdomain.com. In caseyou want a different content under www.yourdomain.com,
feel free to remove that link, create a subdomain /www/html and upload your content there.
The subdirectory /logs (read-only) contains your raw access log.
It refreshes hourly, and rotates daily with maximum history one month.
The subdirectory /stats (read-only) contains your web statistics based on
the above log. These stats are being re-generated at least once a day.
The file /.passwd is used for Control Panel authentication and should not
be modified nor used for any other purposes.
Setting Up Email:
1. Login to control panel. (you can use the link on top of this page)
2. Go to Plan Management and create your email accounts. (if the domain name is not resolving
yet any emails that you create will not work)
3. You can check your email in 2 different ways. By going to Web Based email in the control panel
or by setting up an email client like outlook express or eudora. If you need help setting up your
email client goto http://www.aplus.net/support/es-configure.html (make sure that your incoming mail
server is mail1.abac.com and that your account name is the full email address).
4. Sending email from your email client requires you to use the outgoing smtp server of your internet
service provider. If you are using a dialup from aplus.net then use smtp2.abac.com.
Domain name servers:
For a domain to function with your new aplus hosting plan the name servers for your domain need to point
to ns1.abac.com and ns2.abac.com.
To verify where the nameservers are pointing goto http://www.verisign-grs.com/whois ( if you have just
registered the domain it will take 48 hours before you see any records)
If the domain name servers need to be changed you will need to contact the current registrar company and
have them repoint the nameservers. If the domain is registered through names4ever (aka aplus.net) then goto
(after you delete the old namservers make sure that you press update before you add the new nameservers then press update again).
(C) Copyright 1999-2002 Aplus.Net Internet Services